Zuhoor Alwatan Co.

Welcome to Zuhoor Alwatan Co.
The Middle East is witnessing a great competition in the industrial and food products, in addition to the economic renaissance that our country is currently undergoing. It is necessary to establish an integrated poultry project based on sound foundations and feasibility study in all fields. The Diwaniyah poultry project is considered one of the largest projects in the Middle East. It is the fourth largest production capacity in the production of table eggs and meat chickens, in addition to filling 30% of the needs of the local market.In the beginning of the eighties this project was built by the German company Lohmann was the “Qadisiyah 2 project” to raise the mothers of the chicken and meat production of broiler chickens, after several years this project was sold to Babel for animal and plant production, but the conditions of the country prevented the optimal use of this site especially it was neglected after 2003, Zohour Noorouz Company contracted with Babel to invest this project for 50 years starting in 2014 and has made serious attempts to reconstruct all the facilities of the project in order to restore it to its full capacityA new activity has been added to the project, raising of gg laying chickens to produce table eggs, where it contracted with one of the largest companies concerned with the poultry industry the German company Big Dutchman, which is working to complete this line with regard to fields of chicken husbandry and production fields

Company strategy
The company is relentlessly seeking to develop the poultry sector in Iraq and this is evident through the existing works to expand the project aimed at increasing the production capacity of the company and meeting the increasing demand in the Iraqi market for poultry products in addition to supplying the market with new, newly developed products of high quality that compete with imported foreign products as well as expanding the area The geographical distribution network of the company's products for the purpose of reaching the Iraqi table in all governorates. The company also seeks to develop the Iraqi workforce by training them to work on the latest equipment and systems for the poultry sector

Latest Projects

Vision And Ambition
The Most Important Elements That The Company Aspires To
The Project Area
The project area is more than 33 million square meters, which are penetrated by five small rivers from the branch of the Euphrates River
Increasing Production Efficiency
Increasing production efficiency in the production of new poultry farms and adopting modern technologies in our production
The Geographical Area
Expand the geographical area of the company's product distribution network selling in the Middle East in all governorates
The highest quality standards in addition to the development of the poultry sector in Iraq and the manufacturers of poultry farm equipment

Our Skills
Al-Diwanya Poultry Project
The Diwaniyah poultry project is considered one of the largest projects in the Middle East. It is the fourth largest production capacity in the production of table eggs and meat chickens, in addition to filling 30% of the needs of the local market.In the beginning of the eighties this project was built by the German company Lohmann was the “Qadisiyah 2 project” to raise the mothers of the chicken and meat production of broiler chickens, after several years this project was sold to Babel for animal and plant production, but the conditions of the country prevented the optimal use of this site especially it was neglected after 2003, Zohour Noorouz Company contracted with Babel to invest this project for 50 years starting in 2014 and has made serious attempts to reconstruct all the facilities of the project in order to restore it to its full capacityA new activity has been added to the project, raising of gg laying chickens to produce table eggs, where it contracted with one of the largest companies concerned with the poultry industry the German company Big Dutchman, which is working to complete this line with regard to fields of chicken husbandry and production fields
Poultry Project
- The project area is 34 million square meters
- 25 million square meters were allocated for agriculture
- 40 km of paved roads • 48 km of fence surrounds the project
- 5 tributaries pass through the land of the project whose water is derived from a station on the Euphrates River
- 30 Halls for table eggs production • 10 Halls for raising Egg Laying Chicken
- 140 Halls for Meat Chickens
- 20 Hall of Chicken Mothers’ Hatching for Table Eggs
- 20 Hall of Chicken Mothers’ Hatching for Meat Chickens
- A sophisticated hatchery 10-sets size is equipped by the Belgian company Petersime
- The latest 60 tons / hour Poultry feed factory equipped by the German company Kahl
- Austrian water treatment plant with a capacity of 250,000 cubic meters / hour
- • A bridge scale to serve the project
- • Central refrigerated stores to accommodate the produced eggs • A group of halls to market live chickens
- • General Administration Building
- • Rest House Building & A central lobby
- • Modern workshop for maintenance of machinery and equipment within the project
- • Asphalt plant with a capacity of 160 tons / hour is fully equipped for regular maintenance work inside the project
- • Concrete factory with a capacity of 120 cubic meters / hour for construction work & Power station 15 Mega
Poultry projects map around Iraq
We aim to cooperate and participate with all projects that serve Iraq
Our Customers
شكراَ لكم وبالتوفيق افضل دجاج هو دجاج الوطني
سيد قاسم القصير

زانا عبدالكريم سعيد

محمد كاظم المخزومي